Monday, May 11, 2009

A Reader Wants To Know

One of my 3 readers, we were talkin' about niggers, and he said said all niggers ever created was aids, and they had to fuck monkeys to do that. I told him you can't really blame niggers for fuckin' monkeys, they pro'bly can't tell the difference. Who can? I said that unlike the niggers, though, the monkeys pro'bly came away from the experience with enough sense to know they fucked up, since monkeys can learn from their mistakes. Unlike niggers. My reader said yeah, monkeys actually are kinda interesting, you can watch them for hours at the zoo, but, he asked, if there were niggers in cages in the zoo would anyone want to watch them? He said no, all the niggers would do would be to sit there. whereas monkeys actually would be doing interesting shit. Unlike the niggers who would just be doing nothing. At all. I had to agree. He's right.


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