Monday, April 20, 2009

Mrs. Obama To Appear On Dancing With The Stars

Michelle Obama, shown pictured above, has accepted an invitation to compete on Dancing With The Stars. In the picture above we see Mrs. Obama in one of the many costumes the show designers and seamstresses have created for her. Michelle Obama said that the one above in particular was based on her own suggestions and inputs since it duplicates what she wore at her own high school prom in Gobbul (click-click) K'wabpt, Nigeria. "We went to Dengwi High, which is on the Dengwi river. 'Dengwi' means 'Your mom is crocodile meat.' I wore this design, one I created myself, and five huge bucks raped me on the football field just as the Prom was ending. It was wonderful. I miss those guys. That husband of mine is always chasing after clothes designers and make-over gurus. He hardly ever looks at me in a sexual way. Not that I would want him to; much as I miss those field-niggers that raped me, I'm now strictly a rug muncher. Yowza." Michelle says the dance she would LIKE the show to include in the repertoir is the "MmmBOOTBOOT-doo-EEM-da." Asked what the mmmBOOTBOOT-dooEEM-da is, Mrs. Obama explained, happily, "The mmmBOOTBOOT-doo-EEM-da is the dance all the women do in the village I was born in. It is a very rhythmical dance - big surprise there, ey? - and involves jumping up and down in one place, with the knees bent and the legs spread apart and alternately sticking first the yanked spine of a howler monkey in your twat and then a petrified eland penis soaked in boar semen in your twat - you have one of each in each hand - and you stare straight ahead and scream like an impaled horse the whole time, until blood starts to pour from your pussy, and then at some point, after about a pint or two of blood is on the floor, you collapse, and the dance ends. It's very romantic."


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