Monday, January 30, 2012

Jews, Muslims, Governments, And Scientoloigy

Jew, Muslims, all governments, and Scientology are the four groups on the planet who are convinced that they are immune from criticism. Which tells me that they are the four groups on the planet most deserving of criticism. Because they are the four groups on the planet in the most error. When you have an investment of time and money in a lie you fiercely defend the lie rather than admit you are a complete and total idiot. The problem with the Jews is Jews are a species. You dont choose to be a jew like you choose to be a Muslim or a Scientologist or a citizen. You cannot unJew yourself. So a Jew is in an even bigger mess than the other three groups of people. For a Jew to admit that he has invested his life in a lie he has to admit he was born an idiot. So Jews fight the hardest against criticism and fight the hardest to make other people defend them since they are totally incapable of defending themselves on their own because then they would have to rely on their Deity who they do not particularly like. Unlike the Muslims who submit to their deity the Jews want their deity to submit to them. And of course Jesus, their redeemer, they contrived to have him executed by Italians. I guess they thought no one would notice that they were still the instigators. When you execute your own Promised One you have to expect a lot of misery down the road. You also have to expect people to point out that you have your religious head WAY up your ass to kill your own god especially when he was actually god!! I mean that is fucked up.

If I was to make up a list of which of the four was worst of course Islam would be the worst, government would be next worst, Scientology would be the next worst and I hate to admit it but Jew would be the least worst. Jews never go out looking for new Jews. Jews - and me - know that being a Jew is a dna thing. Not a recruitment thing. And being Jew doesnt mean that you are a practitioner of Judaism. Whatever that even is. Jews have traditions more than they have an actual religion. Being a Jew is a cultural dead end that you grow up in rather than a roadmap to heaven. I dont think most Jews even consider the liklihood of an afterlife. Probably the main reason why the rest of the world detests the fuckers. But there are plenty of others so there's something for everyone to hate with the Jews. Have you ever noticed white Anglo Saxon Protestants NEVER get upset if you call them white Anglo Saxon Protestants? There is a very simple explanation for this: there is no REASON to get upset for being a white Anglo saxon Protestant. It's the best thing you can be. And, like being a Jew, you have to be born into it. If there was ever a chosen race it would have to be that one. The white Anglo Saxon Protestant one. But for some reason white Anglo Saxon Protestants think its very "christian" or something to hand over their birthright of advancing the global population to Mexicans living undernear donkey hides, Muslims living underneath camels' balls, Jew living in a 4,000 year old dust bowl in Israel, and Apaches, living in casinoes. Since I am an Italian I don't really GIVE a fuck what the anglo saxon white prostestants do, I have my own agenda I was born into and I'm comfortable with it. Still, it would be fun to see the white anglo saxon protestants claim what they already own: sovereignty.

Scientology is a bit of a mutant in the world of oppression, you have to pay to get oppressed - like with government - however unlike with government, you CAN get out from under them without having to move to another country. Also, unlike government, Scientology does everything it can to KEEP YOU IN A GOOD MOOD while it is taking charge of your money and property, and never puts you into a concrete cell if you dont hand over your stuff. Also unlike government, Scientology maneuvers you into a position of guilt to make good on your imprecise debts to Scientology by offering you things on credit. Sometimes people will fight AGAINST Scientology by employing a GOVERNMENT as an ally. Which is a very odd thing to do because if you look at the title of this posting you will see that governments AND Scientology are in the title. And you are not. Why would you engage one of the entities in the title to fight against one of the other entities in the title? They are both in the same business: fucking with YOU.

Scientology is very fierce in defending their terrain because their terrain is a PROCLAIMED terrain and not a proven one. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that Scientology does anything other than make you a Scientologist and reduce your personal income and liberty. Scientology can not be "taught" by anyone outside of Scientology, just like only an officially "ordained" priest can turn bread and wine into Jesus's body parts and only a proper "priest" can teach you the truths passed on by Moroni. to the Muslims' credit you dont have to go to school to be a muslim, you merely have to tell the guy who says "Be a Muslim now or die" that you are now a Muslim. then you don't die. Unless you are a Shiite and he is a Sunni. But he will take your stuff. They ALL take your stuff because that is what all four things in the title are all about: taking your stuff. If they can take YOU PERSONALLY in the process? - hey, that's just bonus points.


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