Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gov. Mark Sanford

Governor Mark Sanford has been caught fucking a woman. Being a Republican, this will end his career as a tax-burden. Republicans don't approve of men fucking women. They prefer homosexuality because there is less public outrage, America now being a Fag Nation and Fag-approved and headed by a Fag in Chief who is married to a dyke. So Sanford's cooked. He would have less hassle getting caught being a priest assfucking ten year old boys twice a day for 50 years. He actually went to Argentina to fuck someone. I gotta see this chick that sends a guy down the length of the earth to fuck her. Ah, the human penis. It knows no obstacles when it makes its mind up about someone. It's gotta be the strongest force in the universe, the human cock. If the word came down that there were cheerleaders on another planet who never wore panties during their routines, we'd conquer space in two weeks. A fucking trip to Argentina to get laid?....what's that, that's nothing to the horny human pecker. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This must be some dame, this Argentinian spic. HAHAHAHAHAHA. She's pro'bly 17 and sucks dick like a
river dredger sucks mud. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'd go to Argentina too. HAHAHAHAHA He's finished. He shoulda fucked a boy in Turkey, nuthin' woulda happened. Coulda got some great opium thrown in too, no extra charge. Governor Mark Sanford, remember that name, you won't be hearing it ever again. HAHAHAHAHAHA He fucked a woman. THAT'S ALL BRUTHUH, YOU'RE OUTA HERE YOU FUCKING NORMAL MAN! THERE'S NO PLACE IN AMERICAN POLITICS FOR YOUR KIND!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! On the plus side the Brotherhood of Bureaucratic Freeloaders will see to it that he is paid well at taxpayer expense until he croaks. No matter how much his freeloading wife siphons off "in her grief and trauma at this betrayal." Hey, it wasn't betrayal, bitch, it's just that his cock got hard. The two things ain't even close, cunt.


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