Sunday, January 11, 2009

Insulting White People

As Dennis Ousley has reminded me, you can't insult a white guy by calling him a white guy:
." There is nothing you can call a white person that will offend him.Whitey means we're white. Honkey is fine, it's the last thing they hear before we run them over.But you can't say nigger, coon, spear chucker, darkie, jungle bunny, cotton picker.You can't even call a Mexican a Mexican. Next time you see a Mexican say hey Mexican what's up? He will stab you in the face."
It's true: you can't piss of a white person by calling them a white person, or by calling them any other slang "insult" that means white person. Honky, offay, white boy, cracker, redneck, white devil, blue-eyed devil....white people think these are cool names to be called. And if you are called one that means you are white. And what could be better than that? Can't think o' nuthin' right offhand. Pussy might be better. Not bein' called one, but the objects themselves. The pussies that mean twat. Not the pussies that mean cat. And it's also true that "Mexican" is the only geographical cultural adjective that is also an insult. If you shout "HEY, GERMAN!" from one side of the street to the other, and there's a German over there he will look up and try and find who's calling him. "YAH?? YES?? KAN I HELP YOU??" If you shout out 'HEY NORWEGIAN!" you get the same response: acknowledgement and an interest in responding. "HEY AUSTRIAN!!" "HEY CANADIAN!!" "HEY AMERICAN!!"" Same thing from all of them. But you shout out 'HEY MEXICAN!!" You're gonna have that fucker in your face in two seconds asking you "Wat ees jew prollem, mang!!"


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