Monday, December 28, 2009

Nigger Update

Above is a picture taken today or yesterday of the nigger in chief. He seems to be getting whiter. He also seems to be getting sicker. If he doesn't have advanced aids I have a ten inch dick. And my mom and my three sisters who were both sucking on it last night will tell you I don't have a ten inch dick. But my brothers might say I do because they are just the most precious, gentlemanly fellows I know. Excuse me I am tear-ing up. Just a moment. Ok. Obama, the green looking cancer victim in the picture above, has declared that he will pursue the people behind this. "This" being the incident with the stupid nigger muslim who tried to set a plane on fire. Hey stupid nigger muslim president: "the people behind this" got caught. By a non-governmental citizen of a foreign country. Not to change the subject but the sight of Obama in the death throes of some African Veldt disease really cheers me up, I have to say. It's probably sleeping sickness because every time he talks it sounds like he's going to nod off after every third word. "I am sure..........that the Amrican people........will find the meet this crisis.........with a vigor.......and determination.......that the rest of the world..........will applaud." Jesus fucking tap dancing hula hooping log rolling Christ. This guy is in charge of my life? We gotta really take a look at this "democracy" thing everyone says is so fucking great in this Country. If it can put a piece of shit like Hussein Nigbama in the potentate seat then something is really really wrong with democracy. It just might be even more fucked up than jury duty.


At December 29, 2009 at 8:10 AM , Blogger Ray Hicks said...

Remember back in the seventies when there was a gasoline shortage because our Arab allies wanted one? The government figured that one out pretty quick and solved it with the 55 mph speed limit. That really is the government's answer to everything...The 55mph speed limit! It's how they are deal with stuff; only the A-rabs don't care about a 55mph speed limit. Even a meth-smoking camel can't do 55mph. So, they don't much care. They are going to keep on trying to light up their shoes and set their stinky underpants on fire till they finally get what they want.


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