Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Future Of American Politics

Politics was created by niggers. Politics started in the jungle. The niggers learned it from the chimpanzees. I am not being "racist," there is a very unfamous but very insightful book called "Chimpanzee Politics," which ended up on all the markdown bins in America shortly after it was produced. In the same way that the book "The Manipulated Male" actually disappeared off the face of the earth after IT was produced. However Chimpanzee Politics never quite reached the radar screen that makes things disappear so it just sort of got buried. The history of civilization has been a progression of making nigger politics less and less dictatorial, or chieftain-like. Niggers had chiefs. Very simple arrangement, very primitive, very chimpanzee. The early civilizations, which were large villages had chiefs too, but since people were getting smarter than jungle mudhut niggers, the chiefs had to get a little creative to keep the fear and worship of the enlarging numbers of villagers. Making the chief a diety was how this was accomplished. If the chief is a diety then he has superpowers so don't talk bad about him, he will hear you through his super hearing and get pissed at you. Meanwhile China, walled-off as it was from the West, stayed stuck in its Chieftain mode until Mao. Mao changed the chief from "emperor" to "chairman," and replaced the royal garments with fatigues. That was Mao's basic contribution to Mankind: dumbing-down the uniform. The West meanwhile refined the chief idea to where there were lots of chiefs and sub chiefs and the people the chiefs ruled had some authority too if they went through the right legalistic channels, and all this was based, not on the chief but on the LAW. The law became the new chief. The law became a non physical diety, unlike the pharaoh or the king. Both of which were basically really well-dressed jungle chieftains. Lawyers were born. Lawyers were kind of "wise men" who "communicated" with the god of Law and brought back the Law's words of wisdom to the people the law ruled. Being able to communicate with the law directly they sort of became entities OUTSIDE the law. So countries now had rulers who had to work "within" the Law. Which is called politics. Advanced chimpanzee politics, of a sort. You had to go to school to learn the Law and then you would advise the kings. If the king is listening to your advice, basically YOU are the king, just not in the spotlight. Once in a while a superking, like Henry the 8th or Caesar would push the lawyers around but these Superchimps would die and the lawyers would rush in to fill the gap again, advising the weak kings, none of whom anyone ever heard of, and most of whom were simply born into the job and never bothered to become actual people. Which was fine with the lawyers. One day the USA was born. For 11 years there was no king, no law, no lawyers, no chief - just a nation of individuals doing whatever they wanted. Once this was brought to their attention the people freaked out and said "We need a chief!!" The people who successfully engineered the break from England said ok. They decided to create a government with Law as the chief again. Big step backward. Things were fine for 11 years, then a government was formed to restrict all this freedom. However it was created AS WEAK AS POSSIBLE, fair to say. But creating a weak government to rule is like creating a weak strain of cancer. The cancer will become stronger if not removed. That's the nature of cancer. So the Founding Fathers created a weak cancer. Eventually the cancer was in full control of everything and everyone. Meanwhile the niggers were kept out of the system. Not that niggers were needed in American Politics, things were deteriorating nicely without them. But eventually it was observed that niggers were not included into the political system. So a concerted effort was made to include them. Since all politics was FOUNDED by niggers, bringing them into the political system meant they were coming home! Niggers were not a part of Western Civilization. They were in the mud in Africa. America brought them here and put them into American Mud. Where they more or less fit in but uncomfortably because American mud had things in it African mud didnt: namely, Western Culture and artifacts. All of them new to the African nigger. At some point niggers were being run for office! And why not? Niggers INVENTED politics by stealing it from chimpanzees! They got the hang of things right away! It went to such an extreme that a nigger eventually became the chief of the - for 11 years - completely free Country. In other words, the nigger, now that he is involved in American Politics, and in fact has one in the Chietain chair right this moment, will eventually RUN American Politics and it will all collapse - and probably overnight - into a mud society again. With nigger chiefs in charge. Because politics is A Black Thing. They are the Master Politicians. They've been at it for a million years. In other words:" It's over Johnny. IT'S OVER!!


At October 25, 2009 at 11:12 AM , Blogger jj solari said...

i learned it as 'if he hollers make him pay fifty dollars every day." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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