Thursday, September 3, 2009

The God Damned Nigger

The fucking nigger in chief is very upset that people - white people - are "politicizing" his speech to the infants in school, which speech comes with an entire day's agenda of propaganda assignments from the teachers as ordered for them to obey by the Dept of Propaganda. I mean Education. This fucking self-centered piece of nigger shit thinks that BECAUSE HE'S DOING IT IT'S OK. He really thinks this. That's how fucking stupid he is. He really thinks he's smarter than everyone. I've worked for guys like this. They're all over the workplace. They usually get promoted because they have no conscience. It wouldn't occur to them to have one: "What do I need a conscience for? I never do anything WRONG!" This is how these self-absorbed amateur potentates think.
Our system of "government" was specifically designed to keep these kinds of guys out of the system. Something is obviously wrong with our system of government because that's all we gut in office now, from top to bottom, from Federal to State to County to City. All four of our government "levels" are swarming with these pompous self-diefied shits. This is what "voting" puts into office: the dregs of humanity. All of whom are convinced they have superpowers. Look at the swarm of shitheads that gathered to "talk about the fires." What the fuck did they think they were accomplishing? Well I'll tell you: they were all convinced they were calming people. They weren't. They were just clogging up the airwaves. Schiff, Schwarzegger, Dreieir - three faggots Calming the Waters with their Miraculous Cocks and Supernatural Rectums filled with Holy Jizz. Fuck me running.


At September 3, 2009 at 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cable channels televise your governor's daily press conferences. Have great difficulty understanding the garbage seeping from his mouth. "What did he say? Huh? What? DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH ... as bad as his wife's cousin Caroline Kennedy with all her you know, you know, you know....and they are suppose to be intelligent?!?!?! If they are intelligent then I'm Albert Einstein!

Not sure but I think Oniggers talk to the school kids will be televised to every school in the USA.

Do know if I had a kid in school when that speach will be given my kid would stay home.

At September 4, 2009 at 1:07 AM , Blogger jj solari said...

that accent of his is a good point. thanks for reminding me.


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