Saturday, June 6, 2009

First Niggers Eat At French Bistro

The first Family of Niggers is in France in order to pretend that they ever heard about WW2 and to pretend that they are glad the American side won, and they spotted a restaurant that had their name on the front and so of course scampered in on all fours, galloping in that two-front-hands, two-back-feet gallop that they employ for locomotion. Of course the French had no trouble serving a family of niggers, the French will put up with anything, and the Obamas were a little homesick for insults and abuse, which neither of them have had since they left their childhood neighborhoods, and the French proprietors were certainly up for that because if there is one thing the French hate it's Americans. If the first Nigger Family had tried to seat themselves in a restaurant in Germany or Italy or Ireland it is likely they would not have been served because these three countries have at least some sense of what is proper and what isn't, and also some pride and self respect for themselves. They also would not have been seated at my house. They would have been run-off the property and then I would have checked all the shit in the tool shed to make sure it was all still there. I am sure that the Monkey Bistro is going to have to buy all new silverware after the first Niggers leave. Especially if they served the first Niggers with real silver silverware. And of course you must remember all this "civilized dining" is just to show all the yard niggers here in America that Whitey is now ripe for a riot and won't lift a finger to save himself, just take what you want and live like I do. That's basically who he's doing all this for. If he had his druthers he'd firebomb the place, not eat in it.


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